Toggle %s The Basics
HashemDifferent religions worship different entities as gods. Jews worship the first cause, which we refer to as "Hashem." |
The WorldCosmogony, cosmology, purpose and plan. |
The TorahConsigned to the Jewish people at Mt. Sinai and continuously revealed through the Mesorah |
Toggle %s Hashkafa
EmunahBelief / Knowledge / Proof |
BechirahWhat it is, why it is, and how it can exist. |
HashgachaHashem Managing the Universe |
The Neshama |
Reward and Punishment |
Torah and Morality |
Eretz Yisroel |
Yisroel & The UmosHow we relate to the Nations |
Kiruv RechokimThe tinok shenishba, the non-observant, the heretical, and the rebellious |
Torah & Science |
Manhigei YisroelHow Klall Yisroel should be run |
MesholimA collection of Mesholim found throughout the site |
Supernatural PhenomenaNissim, mofsim, nevuah, ruach hakodesh etc. |
Different Types of Orthodoxy |
Toggle %s Halacha
Orech ChaimHalachis issues that we encounter regularly in the course of our daily schedules, e.g. Davening, Shabbos, Yom Tov, Brachos. |
Yoreh DeahHalachos that are not part of the daily cycle, e.g. Kashrus, Mezuzah, Ribbis, Kibid Av V'Em, Yichud, etc. |
Even HaEzerHalachos pertaining to marriage and divorce |
Choshen MishpatHalachos pertaining to business and finance, e.g. stealing, renting, borrowing, Bais Din issues etc. |
| various Minhagim, Hanhagos, and Halachos |
Toggle %s Avodas Hashem
Torah Learning |
Tefilah |
Midos |
Teshuva |
Parenting |
Toggle %s Divrei Torah
Bain Hametozrim - Tisha B'Av |
The Parsha |
Pesach |
Yomim Norayim |
Sukkos |
Simchas Torah |
Chanukah |
Purim |
Shavuos |
Other |
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Seforim and Books |
Jewish History |
Baalei Teshuva |
Toggle %s Frumteens Forums - Torah for Teenagers
Welcome is absorbing |
Being BetterHow? Why? And ... can we? |
Deep TroubleTeens in crisis situations |
Skirt Lengths and Platonic RelationshipsWhy do they care about these so much |
Self-EsteemWhat's the point? |
Getting Along With ParentsIt is possible.... |
Asking Questions"Am I going to burn for asking these questions?" |
ForgivenessWhen people do us wrong |
Throwing It AwayWhat makes a good kid "go off"? |
Friends |
ShiduchimOK, so I guess this is for Frumteens and Frumyoungadults too |
SeminaryTo go or not to go. And if so ... where? |
School |
Mazal TovFrumteens simchos |
OtherPut everything else here till we move them to their own place |
Frumteens PoetryFreewheeling free verse, free of charge from the hallowed hordes of frumteens assembled |
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In Memory of Rabbi Aaron Scholar ZT"L |
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