It’s when there’s nowhere to go
The chains hold you tight
And a voice telling you
Give it up
It’ll forever be night
Forget the effort
You ain’t got hope
You’ve long ago reached
The end of your rope
Give it up man
You’ll never be free
Flying is for people
Unlike you and me
They tell the world
Of the sunshine in the rain
We tell them of darkness
Captivity and pain
Give it up I tell you
Flying free is for men
Who see stars
When no one else can see them
Climbing’s for people
Who now already stand tall
You ain’t got a chance
You’re bound to slip and fall
Locked up alright
Dream of your freedom one day
It’s a bottomless pit
The reality is to stay
You ain’t got no friends man
Don’t you see no one cares
Deal with the hurt
It’s still night out there