Are you having questions of faith? Or is it all just too hard to deal being observant of Judaism and the Jews being messed up to you are making your problems worse?

Posted 12 February 2015 - 09:39 PM
Light pollution: It's both (I thought I answered you right away either I didn't or it never got posted..)
Taon: I know its not active:( And thanks for asking life is so-so. Ive had some bad and lonely and sad days and some days are the usual so-so with things always happening...
Posted 15 February 2015 - 05:01 PM
Its hard for me too. I hate leaving a frum lifestyle and I also have debilitating mental problems (I have a mild form of Autism as well as a disorder that is pretty much schizophrenia with elements of bipolar disorder)
You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Posted 23 February 2015 - 07:46 PM
Light Pollution: You made me crack a smile yes its stupid but u made me smile- it took me 2 minutes to realize ST is me meaning Struggling least I can smile sometimes when im stupid...and what do you mean email him questions and question everything?
What do you mean you hate leaving a frum life style?
Thank you, you are in my prayers too(- whenever I feel like I can I pray but don't think u should count on my prayers I don't have such power)
I'm suffering from some type of depression and anxiety and its so hard to live with that especially when I have low self esteem
Posted 08 March 2015 - 10:32 PM
Oh Strugglingteen...knowing I made you smile...well, it made me smile, so thank you.
I mean send him ll your questions of faith....question everything....don't take anything for face value...Its the only way you will come to the truth be able to "own" the truth
Is there a name other than Strugglingteen that we can all call you?
Posted 08 March 2015 - 10:34 PM
I am baal teshuvah....Im taking on all of these obligations....I live in West LA....Im in Hollywood's much fun to have....I can't have any.....I am so far away from where I want to be...I want to get married...I cant get married for various reasons....Im intellectually isolated in this community Im in......Its all very shver......
Posted 09 March 2015 - 08:05 PM
Light Pollution,
Firstly I appreciate you taking your time to answer me.
A few things:
1) Rabbi Schapiro is to busy for me and my stupid questions...
2)What do you want to call me- ...I don't care you can call me whatever makes u feel good..
3) I want to give you a HUGE compliment and show you my respect for you now! You are someone who is going through hard challenges too and you became a Baal Teshuvah that's just not "stam" that's admirable!!!! WOW!! I give you a lot of credit for that!!!! You are a very special person!
4) (part of #3) Is there anyway I can help you? Im not such good help bec im stuck and in a rut but if I can then I would love too....
Posted 21 March 2015 - 10:30 PM
(Well, until now Ive been calling you ST, so Ill just type it as Esty. Its a cute play on words...)
Well, in my zechut, can you be more careful in regards to kashrut and Shabbat? Oh, and also, being very, very careful to dress according to the ikkar hadin/inhag hamakom? :<)
Posted 26 March 2015 - 07:46 PM
Light Pollution:
Esty sounds good. Cute way u got it:)
for your zechus/t yes I can try to be more careful with kashuris/t and Shabbos/t hopefully ill be succesfull. The dressing what do you mean by ikkar hadin/inhag hamakom?
Ikkar hadin=The least amount you have to follow in order to not damage your soul.
Minhag hamakom:The minhag enforced by our Masters, the leading Rabbanim of the kehillah. I have no idea where the source for this is from our heliger Mesorah but the frumteens archives has a story where Rav Kotler ZYA chews out some dude because his wife didnt wear stockings....he responded that Rav Feinstein (ZYA) is meikal....Rav Kotler told him to move to Rav Feinstein's side of town if he wants to follow him......
Posted 29 March 2015 - 04:02 PM
Though that's what it meant but wasn't sure...
that I have been doing bec that I have to do if I know whats good for me......same with Shabbos and kashuris really I just feel like I wake up and do something and kee[ Shabbos or kashuris or etc bec that's what I was brought up to do..i feel like my life is just plain routine
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