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Forgiveness For Sin From Years Ago

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#1 FS613



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Posted 05 March 2014 - 08:15 AM

L'Chvod Rabbi Shapiro, Shlita:


1) Can a person do Teshuva for embarrassing someone in public,


if it happened many years ago, and the embarrassed person cannot be found, to ask Mechila from him?


2) Can a person do Teshuva for embarrassing someone in public,


if it happened many years ago, and the embarrassed person can be found but does not remember the incident?


Would it cause the embarrased person more anguish to recall the incident, to ask for Mechila from him;


or should the incident be let go?


Thank you.

#2 Punims



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Posted 08 April 2014 - 04:01 PM

You can always do mechila for anything. You try your best and if you can't find the person, as long as you did everything you can, it's as if you did teshuva.


I don't think people forget very quickly when they were embarrassed in public. He would probably benefit more from you asking mechila, than from you forgetting the incident and never mentioning it. I personally, remember a stupid incident from about 18 years ago. I forgave that person in my head  but if she ever came up to me, I'd forgive her all the way for remembering and caring enough to ask mechila.