I had a friend in Yeshiva who was very frum and was known for being one of the most serious guys and one of the Smartest guys he was always into Science and stuff but was very frum. Me and him went our separate ways. But I just met a different friend from this Yeshiva again who told me that this guy just went off the Derech. Meaning completely Mechalel Shabbos, calls himself an Athiest, doesn't believe in Torah min Hashamayim (Obviously, if he's an athiest). This made me have some doubts a little about my Emunah. How are we supposed to deal with friends like that who go off the Derech? How should I deal with my feeling now that he did? It sort of makes me feel like this guy is very smart so he probably has some good reasons that he doesn't believe, so what about me?
Friends Who Go Otd
Posted 17 June 2014 - 04:26 PM
Ive known a few people like that. In my exprience, they go off due to their connections to secular studies and entertainment, to the point that they view Torah and secular as almost equal. One such person claimed to have had emunah questions that his rebbeim couldnt answer, but i found the answers in the most basic sources, so i doubt it. They usually consider themselves equal to their rebbeim, so they dont feel like they're missing any information. truth is, it takes more than questions for people to change any major part of their lifestyle. It either takes big emotional events, or they dont feel those things are so important. WHen Judaism becomes just another study, or what you happen to be, thats when its easy to leave. He presumably started listening to nonjewish music and watching movies or taking college courses, against the advice of his rebbeim, because he knows better. it happens a lot.
Posted 17 June 2014 - 08:41 PM
I dig what Taon is saying. He probably was swayed by his secular studies (which is full of kafirah), and instead of wanting to believe in the "crazy" claims of Judaism, he wanted to go with what is widely accepted as truth in the goyishe olam. He most likely had emotional expierences and wants to give in to his base desires. This kind of thing happens all the time, even to good kids, Rachamana letzlon.
Stay strong and keep the faith.