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Heretics Being Rewarded For Mitzvot

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#1 Morgenstern



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Posted 17 June 2014 - 02:27 AM

In parashat Korach it says "And Moshe was very angry, and he said to Hashem, "Do not look at their offering." (Bamidbar 16:15) Rashi brings down somewhere that every Jew had a portion in the Tamid karbon and Moshe didn't want Korach to be rewarded for his portion...but if Korach was a heretic, why would G-d reward him for the mitzvah of the Tamid offering?

#2 Punims



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Posted 18 September 2014 - 12:54 AM

Even if you're a heretic, you still get rewarded for some parts of what you did. Even if you didn't have good intentions, a Jew still gets credit for the little bit that he did.