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Molestation Being For Someone's Benefit?

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#1 Morgenstern



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Posted 03 July 2014 - 04:36 AM

I know Hashem is good to all and that He does everything for each individual briah's eternal benefit, but how do you tell that to someone who was molested (I believe most molestation victims go OTD  because of their emotional trauma R''L)


I know that sounds similar to what heretics say when they say how Jews can't be the chosen people when the holocaust happened, but I also know that the Torah is the truth and that there are answers and I want them and I know this forum is where I will get them  (I don't give a flying @#$% if multitudes of people disagree with me, including the OTDers who I KNOW are on this site,who embrace secularism and nothing-ism like the sheeple they are because I KNOW THAT I HAVE THE TRUTH)

With tears in my eyes, I plea that everyone be m'vakesh rachamim for all of Hashem's precious children, Jew or gentile, who are facing abuse, in all of it's revolting forms, sexual, verbal, emotional, neglectful, and spiritual and that you should all pray for the day when Hashem will wipe the tear from every face, and circumcise the minds of His People, so the whole world will know that Hashem is the one G-d in the Heavens above and on the Earth below and that there is nothing else.

#2 taon



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Posted 14 July 2014 - 03:14 PM

The same thing you say to people who went through any suffering. You give them support and try to help them move forward. We can't fully understand why things happen while we are in this world, and it's not something that can be explained to someone who is still hurting from it. Trying to explain it will just feel to them like you are diminishing or justifying what they went through. I am no expert in what to say, but maybeexplain you don't know why it happened, but it isn't their fault, and you know they can get though it. While I'm sure they can come out of this stronger for it, it's not something you say.

As for the part I removed, please email frumteens1

#3 taon



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Posted 16 July 2014 - 02:44 PM

To the poster responding to this discussion, you've been reporting the thread instead. If you don't want your post to be publicly viewed, just state so at the beginning of your post.