My family is pressuring me to use the name of a relative who recently passed away but I really dislike the name. What does it do for a person when someone is named after them? Is there anything I could do instead that would be better for their Neshama? Thank you!

Posted 08 April 2015 - 11:39 PM
Can you hide it as a second name? Or you can also use a different version of it. Ask your own rav because some people hold that if you don't use the exact name with no additions, you are not naming afterwards. But y'know, who cares as long as everyone is happy??
Posted 09 April 2015 - 12:34 PM
Miamigirl: First of all Mazel Tov you should enjoy your new little bundle and have a lot of nachas from him/her. I'm single so I never had a baby so I cant tell you about naming one but as far as what it does for the neshama I heard that what the baby does when he/she grows up as the mitzvos and etc are zechusim for the neshama. I could be wrong but you can ask your rav. But, mostlyMazel Tov and enjoy your baby!