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I Just Dont Know What To Do

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#1 Trust



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Posted 02 November 2014 - 03:32 PM

I'm not rly sur if i posted this in the right section..
Well im sorta girl that always had a plan for the future. I always aspired i would get more outta life.. Since i was younger i always told myself that one day i would leave and make agreat future for myself and things would get better.

I always had an issue with my parent's telling me stuff and not keeping their word. I also have a horrid memory i can't semm to remember much from when i was younger.

I guess i was living in a fantasy world before where i can just get away and start again. Go to college get married raise kids..:)

I always kept evreything inside and then i found differant outlets first it was writing then running then talking to friends abt things.. Now it's u guys so thankx😄

Once i couldn't hold it in anymore and confronted my parents about tye trust issue and ibwas ridiculed what a poor child i am and ppl have bigger probloms. Which i guess they r right. I read about peoples problems which r a million tumes worse then mine! I don't know y im so unhappy.

Well now i came to the stage where i have to decide what to do with my life and I'm just stuck.

It just so not like me since i always have a plan. My parents want me to so the seminary.. Religous college n all that.
I Don't..

If i don't follow my parents plan they wld cut me off n i always thought i wld b fine with that and now i realized im rly not.

I don't know what to do with my future and as much as i wld love to get married and all.. Im scared to trust someone and enter a relationship. What if i get hurt? I don't know if I'd b a ble to take it again??

I know im rambling it's just that i don't know how to move foward...

#2 Struggling teen

Struggling teen


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Posted 16 November 2014 - 04:42 PM



You need to get yourself a life coach they help you get you and your parents on the same page. It seems that you already tried to speak to your parents and that didn't work. You want to have a happy and good life and do things that make you happy but you want your parents too- that's amazing not everyone does I think this is very reasonable and a life coach can help you and your parents understand eachother and get both of you happy and help you communicate to eachother.


Good luck!

#3 Morgenstern



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Posted 17 November 2014 - 03:49 PM

I'm not rly sur if i posted this in the right section..
Well im sorta girl that always had a plan for the future. I always aspired i would get more outta life.. Since i was younger i always told myself that one day i would leave and make agreat future for myself and things would get better.

I always had an issue with my parent's telling me stuff and not keeping their word. I also have a horrid memory i can't semm to remember much from when i was younger.

I guess i was living in a fantasy world before where i can just get away and start again. Go to college get married raise kids.. :)

I always kept evreything inside and then i found differant outlets first it was writing then running then talking to friends abt things.. Now it's u guys so thankx

Once i couldn't hold it in anymore and confronted my parents about tye trust issue and ibwas ridiculed what a poor child i am and ppl have bigger probloms. Which i guess they r right. I read about peoples problems which r a million tumes worse then mine! I don't know y im so unhappy.

Well now i came to the stage where i have to decide what to do with my life and I'm just stuck.

It just so not like me since i always have a plan. My parents want me to so the seminary.. Religous college n all that.
I Don't..

If i don't follow my parents plan they wld cut me off n i always thought i wld b fine with that and now i realized im rly not.

I don't know what to do with my future and as much as i wld love to get married and all.. Im scared to trust someone and enter a relationship. What if i get hurt? I don't know if I'd b a ble to take it again??

I know im rambling it's just that i don't know how to move foward...

Ugh. You have to understand that college just isn't that important. Life isn't about "finding ourselves." Yes, I'm anti-college. They are dens of sheker and kafirah. Going here leads people to doubting Torah is true, intermarriage and all sorts of anti-Torah behavior, R''L. Your parents are right for wanting to and you to seminary where you should be.


You want a great future? Well, Hashem has given you a kli yakar, called the Torah and is the program that I one adheres to it, he or she becomes great.

Don't like my advice? Too bad. This is frumteens. Here, everyone is a Miller-nik. The Rav shlita is Satmar. We are as anti-college as it gets. And we are going to be the ones who are going to tell you things like this.


#4 evryrosethorns



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Posted 19 November 2014 - 07:04 PM

It is really tough when a person is constantly disappointed and when people do not follow through with what they say. I do not totally understand your position only you know. But as far as I know with the seminary and Jewish college part. I graduated high school a couple years ago I was the only person in my family who went to Israel for seminary and it was a really good experience, I know you may hear that a lot "that it was the best year ever!" But really its a year away from home, your put in new situations, you meet new people you learn just for the sake of learning, you go on trips, a person really learns about themselves when they are on their own like that. You will be put in situations where you really don't know what the right thing to do will be. You really get to know yourself, its a year to build YOU! With the trust issue, it really is hard to change your parents, my parents personally raise their voices a lot about small things but I really try to work on that, I don't want that in my household, so I learn from their mistakes and apply it to myself. You can only control what you do-yes its difficult living with that constant disappointment but a person can only change themselves not others.  Jewish college, right now I am in community college and will hopefully soon transfer to my four yr college bezrat Hashem- right now in high school your surrounded with your Jewish classmates and have similar beliefs. In college there are so many types of people, yes there are people that you can be friendly with but a person really has to have their guard up, its really hard to make friends with people, a person doesn't know who they are what their values are. Missing classes on yom tov-its a bracha when you have a professor who doesnt give you issues. I never really did appreciate my high school and how they wanted to shelter us from the world but after my year in seminary I really got to know myself, develop what is important to me and I really miss being around friends I can totally be comfortable with. If your going to go through another at least four years in college wouldnt you want to be surrounded by people who genuinely care about you? We are all am Echad no matter how different, its a brutal world out there its not all glamour. 

I hope what I wrote gave you some insight, this is my experience. I wish you the best =)


#5 taon



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Posted 26 November 2014 - 06:16 PM

ISnt there a 1 month seminary program? Other than that, would they accept an internship or career training?

#6 Trust



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Posted 01 December 2014 - 10:48 PM

Thank you all for ur responses as they each really helped me! Things are starting to clear up and i hope it will all work out.. Thanks again guys! Ur the best😄

#7 Trust



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Posted 01 December 2014 - 10:49 PM

Thank you all for ur responses as they each really helped me! Things are starting to clear up and i hope it will all work out.. Thanks again guys! Ur the best😄