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Read This First

Hashem Read this first

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#1 Rabbi Shapiro

Rabbi Shapiro


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Posted 06 April 2011 - 07:27 AM

The first seven topics started in this forum (Infinity, The Siba Rishona, Poshtuso, Achduso, Muchrach HaMetzius, Ain Ode Milvado and Hashem Has No Emotions), comprise information that we are required al pi Halachah to know about Hashem. But this forum contains not only what we know about Hashem, but also a step-by-step walkthrough of how we can reason all of it as well. Of course, our primary source for all this is our Mesorah, but reasoning it on our own helps us to understand it better. The proofs in this forum are really successive steps to one complete proof for the existence, incorporeality, eternity, oneness, and sentience of the Creator ofthe universe.

Although each of the topics in this forum are independent of the others and can be read alone, maximum benefit will be achieved by first reading the six "First-Cause" topics, in the order described above:

1) Infinity
2) The Siba Rishona
3) Poshtuso
4) Achduso
5) Muchrach HaMetzius
6) Ain Ode Milvado
7) Hashem Has No Emotions

More Information
For a 93-minute video or audio Shiur on this topic, click here.

For a free 37-page (6x9) .pdf download on this topic, the First Cause argument, and some of its important implications, click here.

A full treatment of the topic in Loshon HaKodesh including Torah sources and discussion is found in my sefer Tzedah LaDerech on the first chapter of the Ramchal's Derech Hashem. You can download it in .pdf form for free, or purchase a hard-covered copy, here.

For more applications of the First Cause principle, relating to Hashgacha, Bechirah and other topics, see the following threads on this site:
Could Hashem have a motive for creating the world?

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