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#21 dojoyo



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Posted 19 February 2012 - 09:42 PM

lol i have A LOT i write a quote of the day on the board every day in my school... so yeah!
this is my fav one:
" G-D grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the ones i can, and the wisdom to know the difference."
- Alcoholics Anonymous Prayer- 12 step program

if u want, u cld give me certain like titles or topics and i can give u the quotes i have 4 that!!!

#22 much2learn



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Posted 27 February 2012 - 09:48 PM

I've heard that! The official title is "The Serenity prayer"... because it's not just for alcoholics, but used in practically all 12 step recovery programs (you can see how it can apply to more than just alcoholics)

#23 ilavHashem



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Posted 21 March 2012 - 05:54 PM

if u want, u cld give me certain like titles or topics and i can give u the quotes i have 4 that!!!

do u have any on smiling???
somthng short abt "disconnect 2 connect"??

#24 surviver2



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Posted 23 March 2012 - 01:19 AM

my freind found it in a book and told this to me but i dont remember which book
"losing a mother is like losing a hand,you get used to it, you even learn to tie your shoes,you only have yo wear one mitten in the winter, but youll never clap

#25 rocksdontfly



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Posted 11 April 2012 - 10:32 AM

dont forget to smile! it makes ppl wonder what ur thinkin

#26 Role Model Wannabe

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Posted 17 April 2012 - 06:40 PM

"Life is like a taxi. The meter just keeps a-ticking whether you are getting somewhere or just standing still." --- Lou Erickson

"Gardening requires lots of water, most of it in the form of perspiration" --- Lou Erickson too.

#27 flybird



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Posted 18 April 2012 - 05:26 PM

Here are a few that I really like :)

Are you running away from something you don't want? Or running away from something you're afraid to want?

It rains the hardest on the people who deserve the most sunshine.

Sometimes it hurts more to smile in front of everyone, then to cry all alone.

Do you ever get that feeling where you don't want to talk to anybody? You don't want to smile and you don't want to fake being happy. But at the same time you don't know exactly what's wrong either. There isn't a way to explain it to someone who doesn't already understand. If you could want anything in the world it would be to be alone. People have stopped being comforting and being alone never was. At least when you're alone no one will constantly ask you what is wrong and there isn't anyone who won't take 'I don't know' for an answer. You feel the way you do just because. You hope the feeling will pass soon and that you will be able to be yourself again, but until then all you can do is wait.

Grief knits two hearts in closer bonds than happiness ever can; and common sufferings are far stronger links than common joys.

Why is it that we rejoice at a birth and grieve at a funeral? It is because we are not the person involved.

Dear Friend,
Please be patient with me; I need to grieve in my own way and in my own time.
Please don't take away my grief or try to fix my pain. The best thing you can do is listen to me and let me cry on your shoulder. Don't be afraid to cry with me. Your tears will tell me how much you care.
Please forgive me if I seem insensitive to your problems. I feel depleted and drained, like an empty vessel, with nothing left to give.
Please let me express my feelings and talk about my memories. Feel free to share your own stories of my loved one with me. I need to hear them.
Thank you

If plan A fails, remember you have 25 letters left

you never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have

Never wish life were easier, wish that you were better

#28 miamigirl



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Posted 24 May 2012 - 10:32 PM

-A smile is a crooked line that sets things straight
-The city of happiness lies in the state of mind
-A pessimist sees the difficulty in every oppurtunity, an optimist sees the oppurtunity in evey difficulty
-sleep is a symptom of coffee deprivation
-PETA= People Eat Tasty Animals

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