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When was Moses saved from the pharaoh??

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#1 MissSunshine



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Posted 09 January 2012 - 02:45 PM

Hello guys, I am new to judaism, so I dont have that much knowledge.

I have read in the history that there was a time that Moses and his companions (jews) were running away from the pharaoh. Then G-d split water into half so that Moses and his companions could pass the water. When Moses and his companions passed through the water the water went back to how it was before and the pharaohs son (I think) was drowned in the sea.

Could some tell the exact date when this incident happend and also could somebody give me evidence from the Tohrah or the Bible that this incident occured.....

I appreciate all of your answers.... Thanks

#2 Rabbi Shapiro

Rabbi Shapiro


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Posted 29 January 2012 - 09:09 PM

3,324 years ago (1313 BCE).

The story is described in the Bible, Exodus ch. 14.

Pharoh's army drowned. He was left alive.