On the old site the moderator explained the following:
"Ruach HaKodesh does not mean that everything someone says is right. Even Chazal were disproven, which is why we have "hava amina"s in the gemora. It means that they get a certain level of siyata d'shmaya."
I don’t understand – Why would Hashem give someone help (i.e. siyata d’shmaya) to make an incorrect decision?
Ruach HaKodesh
Started by
, Feb 13 2012 06:08 PM
1 reply to this topic
Posted 13 February 2012 - 07:20 PM
Its not help to be wrong. Its being wrong despite the help. I can help someone understand something but he can still get it wrong despite my helping him. In addition, legitimate Hava Aminas are also things we learn from, so even if the Ruach HaKodesh did not succeed in providing a conclusion, they can provide a legitimate Hava Aminah if that's the Ratzon Hashem.On the old site the moderator explained the following:
"Ruach HaKodesh does not mean that everything someone says is right. Even Chazal were disproven, which is why we have "hava amina"s in the gemora. It means that they get a certain level of siyata d'shmaya."
I don’t understand – Why would Hashem give someone help (i.e. siyata d’shmaya) to make an incorrect decision?