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nefesh and neshama

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#1 randomhouse



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Posted 23 February 2012 - 11:26 PM

whats the difference between a nefesh and a neshama?

#2 Rabbi Shapiro

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Posted 11 March 2012 - 10:48 AM

whats the difference between a nefesh and a neshama?

Nefesh is "life," or life-force. Animals and people both have a Nefesh.

But only people have a Neshama. It is what connects people to Hashem, and what makes humans more than just intelligent animals. The Neshama is the part of a person that is impacted by his Mitzvos and Aveiros. And being impacted by Mitzvos and Aveiros is its purpose. When a person dies, his Neshama is what remains.

#3 randomhouse



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Posted 25 March 2012 - 10:44 AM

do only jewish people have a neshama?

#4 Rabbi Shapiro

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Posted 09 April 2012 - 09:05 PM

do only jewish people have a neshama?

Yes, but non-Jews have something else that is not the same as a Jewish Neshama, but it is what makes them humans, and puts them above animals.

#5 taon



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Posted 10 April 2012 - 11:32 AM

it's not all called a neshama?

#6 Rabbi Shapiro

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Posted 22 April 2012 - 03:28 PM

Sometimes. But that's just semantics. It's not the same thing.

#7 Chaim613



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Posted 01 June 2013 - 09:42 PM

Who was the first person to have a nefesh elokis? Was it Adam HaRishon? Sheis? Mesushelach? Noach? Or was it not until Avraham Avinu?


If Adam, then why didn't all of humanity inherit this? If Avraham, what was the "neshama status" of the previous tzaddikikim?


thank you

#8 Rabbi Shapiro

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Posted 04 June 2013 - 08:15 PM

Who was the first person to have a nefesh elokis? Was it Adam HaRishon? Sheis? Mesushelach? Noach? Or was it not until Avraham Avinu?


If Adam, then why didn't all of humanity inherit this? If Avraham, what was the "neshama status" of the previous tzaddikikim?


thank you


It was Adam. He would have inherited it to the world, had he not sinned and messed it up. 


Adam was on the spiritual level of a Jew. All of humanity was supposed to be on that level, but after he sinned, all of humanity went down to the level of what is today considered Akum. Had Adam not sinned, there would have been no Akum in the world. Subsequently, it within humanity's ability to repair itself from its damaged, unnatural state. But only Avraham succeeded. Until then, anybody in the world could have started a "Jewish nation," but only Avraham was successful at reaching that level. 


Even after that, theoretically, any nation could have stepped forward and reached the level of a Jewish nation. But nobody did. This was true until Kabbalas Hatorah, after which nobody can create a Jewish nation anymore. Now there is only one, and anyone who wants to be part has to join by way of conversion.

#9 FS613



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Posted 04 June 2013 - 08:32 PM

L'Chvod Rabbi Shapiro, Shlita:


Why was it not possible for Shem or Ever to become a "Shoresh" for the Jewish nation, before Avrohom Aveenu?


Weren't they Yirei Shamayim, and didn't they have a Yeshiva?


Thank you.

#10 Rabbi Shapiro

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Posted 17 June 2013 - 06:19 AM

They were Tzadikim, but not big enough to become a Shoresh. Avraham was.