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Neshama's Use Of Hashem-Given Gifts

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#1 FS613



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Posted 27 April 2012 - 10:06 AM

L'Chvod Rabbi Shapiro, Shlita:

Before a person is born,

when Hashem causes him or her to be born in a certain place and time and gives that person certain gifts/strengths, and weaknesses, suited to that person's mission in this world;

is it part of that person's test in this world to use his or her gifts in the correct direction?

For example, could Shabsai Tzvi have used his gifts for good and become a Godol B'Yisroel,

and influenced Jews in a good way,

instead of unfortunately the way he turned out, in the end?

Thank you.

#2 Rabbi Shapiro

Rabbi Shapiro


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Posted 27 April 2012 - 02:55 PM

Yes, to all of the above.