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Online Courses

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#1 taon



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Posted 12 June 2012 - 06:12 PM

Is it good for someone to take an online course, or is it better to just find a (part time) job?

#2 TovaLeahGlass



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Posted 13 June 2012 - 09:56 PM

I am not a Rav so I don't know if my opinion on this matter is worth anything but I think it depends on what is right for the particualr person. Diffrent people need to diffrent levels of hishadlus and that is dependant o the diffrent people, I think there is no right or wrong in general about it and that each case should be adressed by someone who knows the people involved. However if a person must go to college and can't get their degree in an entirely Torah atmosphere like turo or maalot online is deffinitly better than attending a regualr school and sitting in a class with college students and the atmosphere that goes with it

#3 Rabbi Shapiro

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Posted 14 June 2012 - 06:43 AM

Some of these online courses aren't worth much. If a prospective employer sees University of Pheonix on your resume, for example, he'll probably roll his eyes. Others may be worth more.

If you're going to work there's nothing wrong with taking a course. Of course, if you have to learn Apikorsus in order to get your degree, or you have to sit in a class with negative influences, you may not do it.

Otherwise, whatever training you can get in a kosher atmosphere of course, can only be a plus. In some cases, it's a very small plus, and in others it can be a big one. It depends on who your employer is and what kind of job you plan on getting.

#4 Rabbi Shapiro

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Posted 14 June 2012 - 06:43 AM

I am not a Rav so I don't know if my opinion on this matter is worth anything but I think it depends on what is right for the particualr person. Diffrent people need to diffrent levels of hishadlus and that is dependant o the diffrent people, I think there is no right or wrong in general about it and that each case should be adressed by someone who knows the people involved. However if a person must go to college and can't get their degree in an entirely Torah atmosphere like turo or maalot online is deffinitly better than attending a regualr school and sitting in a class with college students and the atmosphere that goes with it

This is correct.

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