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internet social media

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#1 Bais Yaakov Girl

Bais Yaakov Girl


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 07:30 PM

This has recently gotten a lot of attention in my community. Basically, my school is extremely anti-Facebook, to the point that they expel girls who use it. (If it makes any difference, I don't have it.)


I'm just curious; what's so wrong with Facebook? What makes it different from any other social media? And can't it be used for good, too?

#2 Rabbi Shapiro

Rabbi Shapiro


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Posted 17 June 2013 - 06:30 AM

It's been proven to do all levels of damage to people, teenagers included - teenagers especially - in terms of being heavily influenced by, and often even introduced to and getting involved with, unsavory characters. (Forget for now that it is a terrible waste of time.)

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